Spiritual alignment is a term that, upon hearing for the first time, made me wonder about mystery, magic and alternate realities. I thought, what is spiritual alignment? Why would it apply in my life? Despite it being unbeknown to me, the term now forms part of my day-to-day life and well-being. It provides me with the closest comfort during periods of uncertainty, change or overwhelm, as I have the power to return to spiritual alignment whenever I need to.

This loving guide will explore what spiritual alignment is, the signs of spiritual alignment and how to align with your soul.

Lucie walking into the distance as she asks herself the question, "What is spiritual alignment?"

What is spiritual alignment?

Ultimately, spiritual alignment is about forming a connection with something greater than yourself. It’s the harmony of your beliefs, values and purpose with a higher power, whether that be the universe, God or something else. The connection can take place in your being, or it can take form of something physical. For example, your higher power could take form of the sun or moon. It will vary greatly from person to person, and the answer is whatever’s closest to your heart.

“…the truest test of inner peace is your reaction when challenges or adversity arise.”

What are the signs of spiritual alignment?

Spiritual alignment has not only helped to form my belief in the law of attraction, but changed my perspective, too. When I was heavily practising manifestation in 2021, I proudly glued photos from magazines onto my vision board with a feeling of unknowing – that is, not knowing which of these images, if any, would manifest, how quickly it would take if they did, and how I would know that I was on the right path.

It’s the knowing that I consider to be the spiritual alignment, and this knowing can become clear through the following signs:

Inner peace

Can you picture a moment in time when you truly felt at peace? Such periods can crop up spontaneously, for example, on a Monday afternoon when hanging clothes out on the washing line. Sometimes, it’s triggered by a momentous occasion, such as being surrounded by loved ones on Christmas day.

However, the truest test of inner peace is your reaction when challenges or adversity arise. For example, if a client sends a complaint to your inbox, what do you do? You might flinch, turn to negativity and call your friends to discuss how rude, unprofessional and wrong their complaint was. But, in a state of inner peace, you might seek to listen, understand and empathise with their complaint without judgement, respond with calmness and compassion, and reflect on the situation internally. To determine if you have true inner peace, you must first understand your reaction to problems.

Clear purpose

Having a clear purpose in life, and living by it, will help you to become spiritually aligned. My guest post in The Kelly Diane Report, Five ways to be more intentional in life, contains questions that will help you find your calling.

Increased intuition

Trusting and following your intuition or inner guidance is, in my opinion, the most evident sign of all. You know when you just, know? Or, have that gut feeling? If decision-making is coming to you easily and from your heart, even if you can’t explain why, it’s a sign that you’re aligned, sister!

Being present

Are presence and mindfulness coming to you more easily? Are you noticing the green of the grass, or feeling absorbed in every mouthful of your favourite dish? If you stop thinking about the world outside of your focal point and feel free from worry, it’s an indicator that you’re connecting with your higher power through presence. This is often attributed to living with intention.

How to align with your soul

If the signs aren’t present, you can incorporate practices that align with your soul, thus, putting you in spiritual alignment. In my guide to the law of attraction, you can find all of the work required to make a loving connection, including gratitude, goal setting and meditation.

So, what is spiritual alignment to me? The feeling of connection is one of bliss and serenity and, after having reinstated a spiritual practice myself following a busy period recently, one that I can fully attest to achieving. I feel lighter, brighter and most importantly, happier than ever. More often, when sisters embark on a journey of self-discovery, the dreams of lottery wins and sports cars are replaced with something greater. For me, that is happiness.

Are you on a spiritual journey and need more information? I’m happy to answer your questions by email or by responding to your comments.

A graphic for sharing on Pinterest with the title, "What is spiritual alignment?"
Love and light

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  • Lucy says:

    I honestly cannot remember the last time I truly felt at peace! This is such a great guide on how to align with your soul x

    Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk

    Reply ➔
  • Fiona says:

    Oh my goodness what a lovely post, this is just what I needed to read today. I have recently thought about how I can ground myself and find inner peace, which is definitely something I’m struggling with at the moment, so thank you so much for writing such an insightful post 🤍

    Reply ➔
    • Lucie says:

      It warms my heart that this has helped you, Fiona! Thank you for your lovely comment – I’m sending you all the love for finding inner peace again. ❤️

      Reply ➔
  • Lisa's Notebook says:

    I’ve not heard of spiritual alignment, so thank you for sharing this article, it was really enlightening (no pun intended!).

    Reply ➔
  • Sneha | Project: Living Better says:

    Most people lack the sense of inner peace. I have been in the phase of feeling lost for a very long time. I believe following our heart is the key. I agree living by our beliefs and purpose definitely helps, even if others don’t agree.

    Reply ➔
    • Lucie says:

      Sneha, I’m sending you love and light. ❤️

      Reply ➔
  • Molly | Transatlantic Notes says:

    This came along at just the right time as I am going through a period of reflection and change, and can feel myself valuing spiritual alignment more and more. It’s always been something I have found in my life, but it needed a boost. Thanks for this!

    Reply ➔
    • Lucie says:

      Thanks for your kind words, Molly. I understand about going through a period of reflection and change, having just been in a similar place myself. Sending you love on your journey to spiritual alignment. 💫

      Reply ➔
  • Lenne says:

    This post really resonated with me! I’ve been on this journey since last year, and understanding spiritual alignment has been a game-changer. Finding inner peace and trusting my intuition has brought so much clarity to my life. Thanks for sharing these insights! <3

    Lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    Reply ➔
    • Lucie says:

      I’m so pleased you’ve found clarity in your life, Lenne – your intuition is powerful. ❤️

      Reply ➔
  • Allie Mackin says:

    Excellent post. I think meditation really helps in this pursuit. I will have to check this out.

    Allie of

    Reply ➔
    • Lucie says:

      Thank you, Allie! Meditation is a beautiful way to start the day. ❤️

      Reply ➔
  • Anna | The Best Self-Care Blog says:

    Spiritual alignment is truly a journey of connecting with something greater than ourselves. It brings peace, purpose, intuition, and presence into our lives, allowing us to navigate challenges with calm and compassion. Embracing practices like gratitude, meditation, and goal setting can help us align with our souls and find a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness. Your reflections on this topic are inspiring and remind us of the profound impact spiritual alignment can have on our well-being. 🌟

    Reply ➔
    • Lucie says:

      That’s lovely to hear, Anna! Thank you. ❤️

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